Initial preparation is the most important step!
1. Prepare seed bed with 4” – 6” of soil: Deluxe Garden Soil, or Blended Soil, or a combination of the above with
i. Premium Mix, ii. Fish Compost, iii. Soil Amender, or iv. Fine or medium sand...... MORE
#1 - Cut, moss control, power rake and/or aerate
#2 - Top dress with: fish compost, soil amender, premium mix, or any combination of the above
#3 - Compact dressed areas
#4 - Fertilize with ‘Turf starter’ and rake in lightly... MORE
With the temperature beginning to drop, now is the time to start thinking about protecting your garden for the winter. This means putting a layer (up to 3” deep) of mulch on the soil. Things that can be used for mulching are...... MORE
#1 - Cut (2-2.5 inches) long to provide shade to roots and decrease evaporation of water.
#2 - Apply Moss Control.
#3 - Power rake (lawn comb) after moss has died (it will have turned black). Cut again.
#4 - Aerate. Leave plugs in lawn to break down. ...... MORE
Reducing and eliminating potholes is usually a job left for early spring. The rains have come and hopefully gone and we can now see the damage done by the winter months on our driveways, parking areas and pathways.... MORE