Spring : Steps for Seeding or Sodding a New Lawn
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Initial preparation is the most important step!
- Prepare seed bed with 4” – 6” of soil
- Deluxe garden soil
- Blended soil or
- A combination of the above with,
- Premium mix
- Fish compost
- Soil amender
- Fine or medium sand
- Level, grade and roll
- Roll in both directions
- Fill in low spots, roll again
- Spread ‘Turf Starter’ fertilizer
- ½ in one direction
- second ½ in other direction
- lightly rake in
- Seeding (or sod)
- Spread ½ the amount of seed in one direction and the balance in the other direction
- Use the back (round) end of a fan rake to press seed onto surface to ensure good contact
- Water
- Keep seed bed moist. Avoid puddling
Germination should take place in 7–10 days, conditions permitting.