Soil Amender

All pricing is subject to change at any time. Small quantities can be bagged upon request.

Soil Amender

$79.00 / Yard

This item is currently out of stock.


Soil Amender is a compost soil amendment that is composed of composted green waste and composted food waste.  Soil amender can be used as a mulch for garden beds, trees and shrubs, or as a soil amendment to help lighten heavy soils.  

It will revitalize poor soil by imporving soil structure, increasing moisture retention, and stimulating biological activity within the soil.  Soil Amender has been composted at temperatures reaching approximately 55° C to kill most weeds, weed seeds, and pathogens.


Mulching (Planted Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials)

Apply a 3-4” layer of Soil Amender over your existing garden bed.  It is important that you keep the mulch approximately 6” away from trunks and stems of trees and shrubs.  Also, do not cover the crowns of perennials if applying Soil Amender in the spring before perennials begin to grow.  Irrigate generously.

Soil Amendment (New Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials)

Dig a hole 2 to 3 times wider than diameter of the root ball of the plant and the same depth as the root ball.  Blend one part Soil Amender and two parts of the original soil from the planting hole.  Place the plant in the hole.  The top of the plants root ball should sit 1” to 2” higher than the existing soil grade.  Cut and remove any wire/string and synthetic packing material.  If plants are wrapped in natural burlap, it can be rolled down and buried with the soil/Soil Amender mix.  Backfill the plant with the remaining soil, packing it firmly in rises to prevent settling, then irrigate generously. 




Hours of Operation

Spring & Summer
(Beginning March 1st)

  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Sat: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Sun: CLOSED

Fall & Winter

  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Sat: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Sun: CLOSED

Closed all Statutory Holidays